Monday 7 March 2011

7th March Progress

After discussing our rough cut so far with our teacher, we will be making the following changes if given a chance to shoot more film and also some other general improvements:

  • In the part where there are 'typewriter' style credits we will reshoot this to be typed on 'Lucy's' laptop to add to the element of confusion.
  • We will re-film the phone conversation to make it less obvious that the voice is voiced over by another person. 
  • We will take still photographs of 'Sean' to place in between the shot of the memo and the end of the conversation, probably with an accompaniment sound effect to portray the shock. 
  • We need to cut/change the baseball bat scene to look more realistic
We have added an animated title and finished the majority of our other credits, as well as mostly finished the sound and editing, with a wide variety of transitions and effects.

Screen shot 2011-03-07 at 14.35.50

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